We don’t sit and wait but have a pro-active attitude
Reacting to change as it happens puts you one step behind. Creating the change puts you front and center. And we know where we’d rather be. We’ll keep pushing, never settling for good enough.
No nos sentamos y esperamos, tenemos una actitud pro activa
Reaccionar al cambio a medida que ocurre te pone un paso atrás. Crear el cambio te pone al frente y al centro de la escena. Y sabemos dónde preferimos estar. Seguiremos presionando, sin conformarnos nunca con él “está suficientemente bien”.
Reaccionar al cambio a medida que ocurre te pone un paso atrás. Crear el cambio te pone al frente y al centro de la escena. Y sabemos dónde preferimos estar. Seguiremos presionando, sin conformarnos nunca con él “está suficientemente bien”.
3d and 2d Animation
Fluid simulation
Smoke simulation
Hair simulation
Cloth simulation
Character Design
Character Modeling
Fluid simulation
Smoke simulation
Hair simulation
Cloth simulation
Character Design
Character Modeling
Graphic production
Traditional Illustration
Digital Illustration
3d Illustration
Clay sculpture
3d photograph intervention
Digital and real Product shot
Digital Illustration
3d Illustration
Clay sculpture
3d photograph intervention
Digital and real Product shot
Story board